Our unique Full Fours program was added to Our Lady of Grace Montessori School in 2011. It is an enrichment program to the 3-6 year old Wing classrooms. Though not a traditional Montessori classroom, all materials are created and presented using core Montessori principles.
The Full Fours offer the students in-depth studies on a variety of topics, including:
Hygiene and Health
Our 5 Senses
Animal Habitats
The Artic, Antarctica, Europe, Asia, and Africa
Desert Life
The Earth.
Concepts are explored using a variety of areas in the curriculum: math, language, science and social studies. We use the Handwriting Without Tears program for developing and strengthening handwriting and phonetic skills. Many activities (or "works") focus on the developing of social skills, as the children move from the more parallel players they were at 3 years old to now more social and cooperative players.