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Barnes & Noble Book Fair 2019
Click on image to download flyer.
There are many ways that you can support OLG at this fun family-event:
Volunteer! We need many hands to make this day successful. Please visit our Book Fair Sign-Up Genius to sign-up for a one-hour time slot.
Attend the B&N Bookfair, and shop for yourself and loved ones. Click here for vouchers that will ensure OLG receives credit for the sale
Family and friends outside of the Manhasset area can shop at any B&N with the OLG Bookfair ID #12491296 on 11/15.
Shop online using the OLG Bookfair ID #12491296
Buy a delicious Cheesecake Factory cheesecake for the upcoming holidays. Place your order at the Bookfair and choose your pick-up date. Click here for more information, and print out the order form here.
Thank you for supporting OLG!
Bookfair Chairs:
Molly Denihan
Olivia Leong
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