International Day 2019

International Day at OLG
International Day at OLG is an annual event that brings students and parents together for a morning of multi-cultural learning. Students have an exciting opportunity to hear from parents about countries around the world and parent volunteers enjoy the rare privilege of interacting with the children in a very special setting: their Montessori classroom. Year after year this memorable event is a favorite of both children and adults alike!
This year we will present countries from Africa and Europe.
Please consider volunteering for this event. Often parents select countries with which they have a special connection (heritage, travels, etc.) but this is not a requirement! You need only to be interested and willing to learn and create a presentation about a country...and engage our children in learning about what makes it an interesting place.
Please contact our International Day Co-Chairs
Lauren Ellis, (lauren@drlaurenellis.com) or
Yasminda Lowe (yasthedealmaker@gmail.com) with your interest or any questions about volunteering.